Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Our Activities

Clayton is such a doll baby. He is taking big jumps in his learning too! Monday night we had meatloaf for supper, which was good by the way. When he was finished, he decided to take his meatloaf from his high chair tray and put it on the table. As he was doing this he said "No thank you." No lie you guys! He really said this. He is beginning to say so many things, its almost unbelievable. "See ya", "Night, Night", "Here ya go", "Bubble", "Boot". Now these phrases and words do need some work. I guess I know what he is trying to say because of when he says them. They are like one giant word.

Clint finally got here last night! YAY! I missed seeing him so much. Clayton was very excited to see his daddy as well. The only thing that is hard is Clint seeing him after two weeks of not. He really has to catch up on everything the little guy has learned. The two have been pretty unseperable though, well, except when Clint was trying to wash the vehicles.

Clayton's Uncle Mason got here this evening. Clayton was a little shy at first, although he was telling him hi. Clayton then proceeded to follow him to the house, but Uncle Mason wasn't paying attention and shut the door behind him, leaving Clayton outside. Well, we were updating Mason on some things and Clayton started handing him a little radio thing and taking it back. This went on for like five minutes. We had to inform Uncle Mason that he needed to tell Clayton thank you when Clayton handed him the toy and your welcome when Clayton takes the toy back. We are really trying to teach him manners and it seems to be working as well.

One last thing. We are finally trying to get Clayton off the bottle. The only time he gets it is when he goes down for a nap. Well, we are starting to put an end to that, and it is working nicely. He normally takes about 15 minutes and falls asleep.

Tomorrow we have the Hounshell family reunion. This should be fun with Gary Wayne's daughters down there to play with him. They love him.

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