Monday, September 24, 2007

The Temperature Goes Up

Well, most of you already know that I was at Tanya's the other day, so there is no need to elaborate on that day. We had tons of fun! Can't believe how much Clayton liked the trampoline (of course after I got up there).

Well, not to much went on this past Friday. Just spent time around the house. Clayton got these little hot wheels type cars and runs them all over the place making car sounds. It is the cutest thing you ever saw! We also did go into Odessa to look at a manufactured home that we are possibly going to rent, more than likely now, but we weren't sure at that point in time.

Saturday rolls around and that morning we were meeting with the gentleman who would be renting to us at 11. I roll around and pick up Andrea (partner's wife) and head over to the house. I meet up with Clint who is already over there, and we all start to go thru the house. Let me tell ya'll this could have been a nice house! Of course, this would have only been with the repairs that I thought needed to be done. Ya know, tub replaced, panelling stuck around the jacuzzi, painting the outside, and some repair work in the kitchen. Really it wasn't anything all that big, until the rental property guy shows up. We then go on to add some more things to the repair list, the roof will need to be replaced, they found asbestos tiling on the back outside wall, more kitchen work than I thought, not just that tub would have to be replaced the whole bathroom would have to be torn out, and some other things. In all it would add up to 15,000-20,000 dollars. YEAH RIGHT! So we are just going to be renting the manufactured home. It has really grown on me and I am wanting to be out there pretty bad. I may prolly be able to have pets, finally! Clint is supposed to call and ask. If that is the case, I will get my bird from Sharon, maybe the pony, and maybe a Siberian Husky Mason rescued. Also, I will get to have my gardens and flowerbeds.

After we get finished with the house and talking with that gentleman, we go to Joey and Andrea's. We were over there from like 1230 till 8 or so that night. Had a great time, we bbqed and just had a good time. Joey's parents were there visiting before they left for Del Rio. Clayton had a blast out there. The kids love playing with him. Well, we finally leave and I come home and hand in my homework.

Sunday comes and Clayton wakes up. I go to do something in the kitchen while Clint gets the munchkin out of the crib. Clayton was burning up! We didn't have a thermometor, we didn't figure it was that bad at first, until Clayton wasn't really himself. Clint goes to the store and gets a thermometer and we take his temp. The boys fever was above 102! We immediatly give him a bath, feed him some soup, and give him some tylenol. Nothing worked all that great. For a better part of the day we cuddle with him trying to keep him happy. His fever slowly does break. It began bouncing back and forth between 100.8-101.8. Well, Larry was on his way out to El Paso that day and we had already planned to go visit with him for a bit. We get out there and Clayton was happy to see his grandpa, he clutched onto him the whole time. As we are getting ready to go, Larry tries to hand him off and he just didn't want to let go. It's really the most heartbreaking thing to see! When Larry finally gets him in the car the tears really started to pour. He didn't wanna see his grandpa go! So sad!! We at this time still have the fever. We end up calling the E.R. who tells us to put him in a bath of luke warm water for 30-40 minutes. It worked! Didn't realize we had to do that for that long. So now Clayton's temperature is finally gone. What a stressfull day!

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