I know, I know...Its been what since November since I've updated? Well basically since we moved out here to the top of the caprock and only get dial-up and one wireless bar for internet its been nothing but a pain to keep up with anything but school work! So, there's the start, we moved right before Christmas, as a matter of fact the Christmas was in here before we were! I love our new house. It's only a manufactured home but we are on 3 acres. Definitly nice to finally not have someone who doesn't live RIGHT next to us.
Soo...Clayton is all over the place, as in, he is in every cupboard, climbing the sofas, climbing onto tables, pushing things to get where he wants, and talking up a storm! He said his first sentence the other day, it was much but he got his point across. He walked over to the cupboard where his juice and cups are and flung open the doors; he looked right at me and said, "I want juice!" Now he says that for everything, I want, I want, I want! He is saying please though. I just have to remind him every once in a while. Thank you is a little bit harder to get out of him and when he says it he is only really sayin "choo". His little dictionary of words is growing immensely(sp?).
We have wonderful neighbors who live across the street from us. They have six boys ranging from 13 all the way down to 2 years of age. The three that live with them full time are 3, 6, and 7. They treat Clayton no different than what they treat each other. It's like he has 3 older brothers most days! Travis and Laci have been nothing but the biggest help to us. We have been blessed to move in next to them.
Clint has been enjoying work. He is getting into all kinds of stuff especially with it being Odessa that he generally works. His first partner moved to Lamesa, but of course they are still friends. His second partner (FTO) had surgery I am guessing not too long ago, and as of the beginning of this month Clint's permanent partner got here and Clint is training him. I have yet to meet his wife, but I am sure it won't take too long to meet her all the guys wanna bbq out here while Clint puts a stereo in his first partner's new truck! YAY!
Most of you already know that I started selling Avon. That is still going pretty good. Since it started getting warm (well Texas warm, 90 degrees) I have been outside working in my yard. I feel like I have done so much. I am excited to see the end result! When we first moved out here this was raw land (pasture) and I have completely flipped it. Well, not complete pasture, they did level it out so it pulled out a lot of trees.
Sometime in February we had a few warm days so I got outside and raked the rocks that were pulled up. Well of course then the wind blew and uncovered more, sooo....I reraked the yard a month later. This then became a vicious cycle. Now I have part of the yard raked and I <
have some grass growing. It just came up a few days ago and I planted it last Monday and Tuesday. I have a garden growing now which I planted in April. I have two flowers beds, in one is 3 tomato plants. I have sunflowers, a blackberry bush, dill, lillies, 4 o'clocks, cane, 5 elm trees, and several mesquites that I am just watering for the fun of it. The mesquites can actually be nice looking if you prune them! In buckets I have a china berry tree, mulberry tree, 3 willows, jalapenos (also in the garden but the ones out there are from Wally world as well a chili pequins and tepins), a mamosa tree, and something else I can't remember right now. Anyhow, by my list your gonna think my place looks just like Sharon's, but not quite yet.
Well, I am sure I have written plenty for now. I will leave you with some pictures on another blog. BYE!