Sunday, October 7, 2007

Night, Night!

Well, tonite as I am about to put Clayton to bed Larry tells him "night, night". Which in turn the cutest thing happens. Clayton says "nigh, nigh" Yes! My little boy said night, night! Well, without the "t" on the end. It was too cute. I kept telling him that to see if that was what he was truly saying. He was! I love it! He is such a smart little boy. Also, earlier today I happened to notice Clayton is now trying to climb into his playpen, yes in. On the outside of the playpen Larry has is a mesh type pocket. In this pocket I have a flip flop (Clayton I think stuck in there) and a book or something. He figured out that if he stands on those he can start to climb. He has got some strong arms too. He would slip and still have a hold on the side, and no feet on the floor. Well, that was our eventful afternoon and evening. Hope you enjoyed.


Kelsey said...

Ahhh, I too love the "nigh, nigh". Clara will whisper it if we whisper it to her.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

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