Thursday, September 13, 2007

Been Too Long

Well, it has been awhile since I have been on here. Things have been so hectic with living in three different places! Clint is living in an apartment here in Crane. Since the apartment is so small and liability issues, Clayton and I cannot live here full time. Well, since we cannot live here full time I am bouncing back and forth between Sharon and Larry. It is a frustrating living situation, but we have just gotten a wonderful offer. While Clint and I were out driving to Odessa one day we came across a for rent sign about 10-15 miles outside of town. We didn't turn anything up, but later found out from the Chief of Police that the place was already rented out, so the search continued. Well, today we found out the place may have been open again, yes quickly, and Clint got the phone number to the owner to give him a call. Come to find out the place was already rented out again. The gentleman told Clint that if our search still proved to be fruitless that he was going to be putting a double wide on another piece of property he has which will take about 45-60 days. Also, he said that if we found a house in town in the meantime, and it of course is reasonable, that he will buy it and rent it to us with the option to buy at the end of contract. As of right now we don't know if he would put the rent towards buying the house. Clint wants to sit down with him and discuss these options. So tomorrow, I will begin calling again for a list of houses for sale, which I could probably count on one hand anyways! We shall see.

Clayton is doing wonderful. We found out on Sunday at lunch he has a molar coming in! Sharon, Bev, and I were at lunch in DQ when Sharon noticed this. We had to look like a bunch of fools! We were sitting right in the middle of the restaurant and Sharon and I were having a fit over it. Didn't expect those to come in so soon! He also got his second hair cut this morning. Clint decided to whack it all off. Now he looks even more like his daddy. Other than that nothing new is going on with him. Same walking, talking, rambuncious little boy. Oh and he is learning the meaning of please and thank you which greatly pleases me!

Clint started his job with DPS at the end of August. So far he is loving it. His partner seems to be a great guy and it's a shame he is transferring. From what I can tell he is teaching Clint quite well. We went to the volleyball game the other night because they were acknowledging local law enforcement and military for 9/11. Clint's partner and his wife were there along with their children. Wonderful people. Anyways, Clint's first test is coming up, I will update and let you know how that is going.

As for me, nothing new. I am doing pretty good with my school work. So far I have a 97 in my class. This is only my second class, but I am still feeling pretty confident that I can do well. Starting in October I take two classes at a time. That ought to be fun.

I am going to try to be better with this blog thing and hopefully update at least every other day. We shall see how that works out. OH! Elmer Kelton will be here this weekend, so I am pretty excited. Gonna get a book signed. I am such a dork, but I LOVE his books. This weekend is our homecoming weekend. Ought to be a busy weekend for us all. Here are some pictures...Enjoy! If anyone wants some of these down below with Clint in his uniform let me know and I can email them to you.

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